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    Industrial Engineering (previous name: Manufacturing Systems Engineering) deals with the planning, design and implementation of complex systems. In developing and working with technologically and socio-economically complex systems, an Industrial Engineer faces the challenge of bringing together human, physical, and financial resources along with knowledge and information in an optimal fashion. Graduates of the Industrial Engineering program can look forward to challenging and gratifying job opportunities in both manufacturing companies and service industry as well as industrial or management consulting business. The program is designed to train professionals who can effectively participate in, and become an active member of, multi-functional teams.

    The Industrial Engineering curriculum is built upon essential engineering functions that involve planning, coordination and control with a systems approach point of view. The curriculum prepares students to become problem solvers and change agents while they are also enabled to improve their entrepreneurial skills. To this end, a solid foundation in mathematics, in the physical, biological and engineering sciences, and in management science and behavioral science is targeted. In addition to broadening their knowledge, the curriculum also aims to provide a balanced background in soft technologies and hard technologies. Interaction with other disciplines is emphasized; students are strongly encouraged to take courses from other disciplines and participate in multidisciplinary project teams as it improves their skills of communicating with other disciplines so as to enable them to function in complex scientific and technologically challenging environments throughout their careers.

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